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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Ricky Genest Si Zombie Boy

Firm friends: Genest found fame after starring in Lady Gaga's music video for her single Born This Way

MONTREAL - Seorang seniman dan juga rekan dari artis Lady Gaga menamakan dirinya sebagai Zombie Boy (bocah Zombie). Kata Zombie dipakai olehnya karena dia sempat merias penampilannya hingga menyerupai tengkorak.

Seniman ini terkenal setelah produk penghapus make up DermaBlend menjadikan pria ini sebagai modelnya. Pria berusia 25 tahun ini juga terkenal saat dirinya tampil di video klip Lady Gaga yang berjudul Born This Way. Demikian seperti diberitakan Daily Mail, Sabtu (22/10/2011).

Ricky membuat ilustrasi berupa gambar tengkorak beserta daging-daging yang terkelupas di sekujur tubuhnya. Setelah dirias, Ricky pun tampak seperti setan.

Dalam iklan produk DermaBlend, Ricky pun memperagakan bagaimana dirinya menghapus seluruh make up di tubuhnya dalam waktu cepat, mulai dari tangan, badan, dan wajahnya.

Ricky umumnya memberi ilustrasi pada tubuhnya dari pinggang sampai ke wajah, namun dirinya saat ini berencana untuk bereksperimen dengan membuat gambar di kakinya.(rhs) 
Flawless: Ricky Genest also known as Zombie Boy stars in a new video campaign for DermaBlend concealer
Flawless: Ricky Genest also known as Zombie Boy stars in a new video campaign for DermaBlend concealer
Flawless: The make-up revealed how the performer would look without his trademark tattoos
Flawless: The make-up revealed how the performer would look without his trademark tattoos
Flawless: The make-up revealed how the performer would look without his trademark tattoos

Go Beyond The Cover: Lady Gaga's new best friend begins to wipe away the make-up to reveal his real skin
Go Beyond The Cover: Lady Gaga's new best friend begins to wipe away the make-up to reveal his real skin

Skeletal: Genest had his first tattoo when he was 16 and is entirely covered in body art from the waist up
Skeletal: Genest had his first tattoo when he was 16 and is entirely covered in body art from the waist up
Real coverage: The concealer is known as the number one brand and its easy to see why
Real coverage: The concealer is known as the number one brand and its easy to see why

sumber :http://international.okezone.com/read/2011/10/21/214/518764/ricky-genest-si-bocah-zombie

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